9405 Bormet Drive, Suite 7, Mokena, IL 60448
Mokena | 815-727-6144
DuPage County | 630-852-9700 Oak Park | 708-848-3159
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Kendall County Family Law Attorneys
Divorce Lawyers Representing Clients in Yorkville, Oswego, and throughout Kendall County
A divorce is considered to be one of the most stressful life events a person can endure. This is not without good reason. Divorce is not only a deeply emotional and personal endeavor but it also involves a number of complex legal issues. Managing the avalanche of financial, logistical, personal, emotional, spousal, custodial, parental, and legal issues that can come with divorce can be overwhelming. Fortunately, you do not have to manage your divorce alone.
The skilled attorneys at Wakenight & Associates, P.C. have more than 95 years of combined legal experience between them and are fully prepared to help you successfully resolve your divorce. Our firm is wholly dedicated to the practice of divorce and family law. We have the education, experience, skill, and legal knowledge to help you end your marriage on your terms, even in the most complex cases.
Manage the Avalanche
Some divorces are resolved through a negotiated settlement while others must be resolved in court. Negotiation can be an incredibly effective tool for coming to an agreement on divorce issues, but this strategy does not work for every divorcing couple. At Wakenight & Associates, P.C., we recognize that each divorce case requires a unique approach. Our attorneys will help you understand what legal options you have available to you and advise you on the best course of action for your particular circumstance. Our divorce attorneys have experience effectively resolving matters of the division of marital property, child support, parental responsibilities (child custody), parenting time (visitation), and spousal maintenance (alimony).
For some divorcing couples, settling issues through negotiation is not possible. Marriages with a history of domestic violence, substance abuse or addiction, cheating, and mental health concerns may not be good candidates for negotiation. Negotiation may also be inappropriate in cases involving hidden assets or parental alienation. Complicating factors like substantial wealth, complicated investments, and family-owned businesses can sometimes make litigation necessary.
Divorce and the Family Home
The family home is often a point of serious contention for a couple facing a divorce, especially if the couple has children together. At Wakenight & Associates, P.C., we understand that you may wish to remain in the marital home after your divorce. Unfortunately, the housing market in Kendall County has struggled in recent years, and property taxes have gone up dramatically as a result. Such factors could make it much more difficult for you to afford to stay in the marital home than you might have expected.
Our attorneys will help you explore all of your available options regarding your living arrangements. Regardless of the challenges you are facing, we will work with you in developing a creative solution that offers the long-term security that you need and deserve.
Family Law Attorneys in Kendall County
For over 18 years, the dedicated team at Wakenight & Associates, P.C. has helped families in Plano, Oswego, and throughout Kendall County. We also offer a wide variety of family law legal services in addition to divorce services. Our firm is experienced in managing family law disputes, including:
- Adoption;
- Parentage and paternity;
- Fathers' rights; and
- Non-parent visitation rights.
Schedule a Case Review Today
To learn more about how Wakenight & Associates, P.C. handles divorce and family law disputes, contact our office by calling 815-727-6144. We offer free initial consultations. Wakenight & Associates, P.C. serves clients in Yorkville, Oswego, Plano, Kendall County, and throughout Northern Illinois.