9405 Bormet Drive, Suite 7, Mokena, IL 60448
Mokena | 815-727-6144
DuPage County | 630-852-9700 Oak Park | 708-848-3159
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Homer Glen Family Law Attorneys
Lawyers in Will County for Clients Facing a Divorce
The decision to end a marriage through divorce is one of the toughest choices you will ever have to make. Unfortunately, the difficulties do not end there. The divorce process can also be extremely challenging, depending on your circumstances and the issues in your relationship. The decision to end a marriage through divorce is one of the toughest choices you will ever have to make. Unfortunately, the difficulties do not end there. The divorce process can also be extremely challenging, depending on your circumstances and the issues in your relationship. Fortunately, you do not need to navigate your divorce on your own. Wakenight & Associates, P.C. will work with you in managing the avalanche of personal, emotional, spousal, custodial, parental, logistical, financial, and legal considerations that might affect your case. Our lawyers possess over 95 years of combined experience, and our firm is entirely dedicated to the practice of family law and divorce matters. We have the knowledge and tools to assist you in building the happier, healthier new life that you deserve.
Manage the Avalanche
A large percentage of divorces are decided through a negotiated agreement. At our firm, we recognize that negotiations offer you a great deal of control over the outcome of your case. Our attorneys will facilitate conversations between you and your spouse as you work toward resolving issues such as dividing marital property, spousal support, parental responsibilities, parenting time, and orders for child support. We can also help you come up with customized solutions designed to meet your unique needs. In some situations, the goal of reaching a settlement is not realistic, particularly in situations that involve accusations of domestic violence, addiction, mental health issues, parental alienation, or hidden assets. You might also struggle to resolve your differences amicably if you or your spouse have substantial wealth, own real estate investments, or run a family-owned business. If an agreement is not possible, our lawyers are prepared to help you through every stage of the litigation process as well.
Family Law Attorneys in Will County
For nearly two decades, the team at Wakenight & Associates, P.C. have been helping individuals and families in Homer Glen and the rest of Will County. In addition to our divorce practice, we also offer a full catalog of legal services to those facing other types of family-related disputes, including:
- Parentage and paternity: Our lawyers represent both mothers and fathers in proceedings for establishing legal relationships between a parent and his or her child;
- Fathers' rights: We help legal fathers who want to become more active in the lives of their children by increasing their parental responsibilities and parenting time;
- Visitation for non-parents: When appropriate, we work with grandparents, great-grandparents, stepparents, and other family members to re-establish connections with the children they love; and
- Adoption: Our lawyers help with all types of adoption cases, including related adoptions, independent adoptions, and agency adoptions.
Call 815-727-6144 Today
If you have questions about Wakenight & Associates, P.C. and how we approach divorce and family law disputes, contact our office. Call 815-727-6144 for a free, confidential consultation and case review. Our firm serves clients in Homer Glen, Will County, and throughout Northern Illinois.